Thursday, September 25, 2008

Run Pittsburgh

I decided to start my own running website. It is a major work in progress. I hope to have it all up and running within the week. Feel free to check it out. Any suggestions are welcome. Enjoy Run Pittsburgh.


Hailey said...

Wow! Looks good Jo.

Rob A said...

Jodiosa, you are so cool that you can build websites.

I clicked on each of the headers, like Calendar, for example, and most of them were not fitting on the page and were placed down below the ads, out of regular view. Also, it appeared that most of the headers, like Calendar, Training, Health, and About us were all showing the same thing.

Maybe you already knew that, but I thought you should know that to my view on my work computer, the page didn't fit properly.

the blonde potato said...

Nice work, Jodie. Your baby is only 2 months (or so) older than mine and I still haven't even run 5K in a row yet. You're an inspiration to us all!:)